
Health data, access and presentation

Danish health data analytics company DataFair is working on improving access to and the use of health data for research in a secure way and in respect of privacy. Partly with their own data platform and partly with collaboration projects.

I've helped DataFair by creating visual identities, webdesign, and implementing presentation websites for multible projects.

Rather than presenting with pitch decks, presentation slides or stuck in a PDF, we wanted the projects and the many services and opportunities included to come alive with proper websites, presenting the services in detail while maintaining the overview and easy navigation to the parts the particular user is looking for.

To increase the ease of use for the multiple parties involved, I've created a simple design guide based on a Google Font typography, that could work for both projects, and then let the identities part ways with individual color schemes, logos, and a few other distinct graphical markers.

This also eased the implementation work of implementing the designs in Webflow, while achieving the explicit goal of having mulible distinct identities and experiences.

All websites are implemented in Webflow. Additional registration set up for events is set up with MailChimp.

Highlighted features

We Are Not Waiting

We Are Not Waiting is an event series created and hosted by Datafair, busy making better use of Danish health data, engaging politicians and decisions-makers. I did the design and implementation, trying to add some sense of urgency and access to the vast resources from previous events.

Visit website

Behind this message is a video hosted by Vimeo. You need to allow preferences and statistics cookies to view and interact with it.


The main Datafair website with overview and access to the multiple projects and services.

Visit website

Behind this message is a video hosted by Vimeo. You need to allow preferences and statistics cookies to view and interact with it.

OSCAR project

A dedicated project website presenting a range and multible layers of services.

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Behind this message is a video hosted by Vimeo. You need to allow preferences and statistics cookies to view and interact with it.

CLIC project

A dedicated project website. Notice the combined progress bar and page navigation, giving the user a sense of place and the full extent of the experience.

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Behind this message is a video hosted by Vimeo. You need to allow preferences and statistics cookies to view and interact with it.

Other WORK

All work
Create a visual identity for the two projects CLIC and OSCAR and design and implement websites presenting the two projects.